Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Protect Your Document by using Password

Protect your document by using password so that no unauthorized person can access as well as modify or change your document. You can use two types of passwords:
1.     Password to open the document: 
If you applied password then you have to give the correct password to open the document, otherwise you cannot open the document.
2.     Password to modify the document: 
If you applied passwords then you have to give the correct password to modify the document, otherwise your document is opened but you cannot modify the document. It means that your document becomes read-only file.
To apply a password in a document, follow these steps.
* Open Save As dialog box by selecting "Save As" command from File menu.
* Click "Tools" button of Save As dialog box and choose "General Options" from drop down menu, "Save" dialog box appears.
* Enter first password in "Password to open" text box and second password in "Password to modify" text box (if required) and click "Ok" button of dialog box. Microsoft Word will open "Confirm Password" dialog box for the confirmation of passwords. The maximum length of password is 15 characters.
* Re-enter the password to open and password to modify and click "OK" button of Confirm Password dialog boxes one by one.
* Click "Save" button of Save As dialog box.

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